Special Feature – MC Hammer on Flipboard

Today MC Hammer appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.  As part of his appearance, he announced his new song on Flipboard. Flipboard will also be featured in a special video segment on the program. The Oprah team sat down with Hammer and Flipboard’s CEO, Mike McCue to discuss a new collaboration. Today we are launching the Hammer on Flipboard special section.

But that’s not all.  Hammer is premiering his new track, “See Her Face” on Flipboard!  This is the first time Flipboard has included music in the application and this is the first time the world will get to hear the latest MC Hammer track. The track is paired with a photo gallery composed entirely of photos Hammer’s fans sent in to him. As you listen to the song, you can flip through photos and “See Her Face” on every page.

We have an exclusive interview with Hammer from his visit to Flipboard HQ yesterday, which is posted in the Hammer section.  To go to find the Hammer section on Flipboard, tap an empty content tile, “Add a Section” and under “Special Feature – MC Hammer & Oprah on Flipboard” you’ll see the new Hammer section, and lots of great Oprah feeds as well.

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from yesterday at the office:

It’s Hammertime.

~ JonV

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29 Responses to Special Feature – MC Hammer on Flipboard

  1. libby lable says:

    Great to see Hammer again. I will always love Hammer time. Keep up the great work, Hammertech .

  2. To MC Hammer – enjoyed your interview with Oprah. You talked about social networking and your working with people using this. Please take a look at tourtalkfusion.com/1148967 this is quickly becoming on of the leading social network companies in the world – in over 97 countries already and is growing extremely fast. My cell phone number is on the website. Please take a look at how valuable this can be to you and your company.

    Thank you

    Darlene Rainville

    Talk Fusion Executive Associate

  3. Pingback: » MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard SEO moneymaking

  4. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard » The Social Media Experiment 2011

  5. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard | Stu Haugen

  6. BrandyJo21 says:

    I have to admit, I am having trouble following your instructions on how to see the slideshow and hear the song “see her face.” on flipboard. NOt sure what Im doing wrong. any help?

  7. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard

  8. Daniel says:

    I am blessed to see you overcome and abound manor God!

  9. Daniel says:

    Sorry – man of God!

  10. Gina Harris says:


    • April D. King says:

      So intrigued in all you do. Keep on staying focused. You are very talented and so are the youth/grandprants of our great USA/World Wide.

      How we may connect all while we learn as one world family, through these types of Flip Board eqpt.
      Please get in contact with me on the subject of world wide stocks Human Tech. Links
      I will be addressing, the unequal bilingual links in educational movational tools we will bring to the table. Which will create new jobs for all ages, new stocks for our youths, create new security language for the new way to fight crime.
      Then I served as a volunteer Girl Scouts Teens, Sunday School Teacher, Volunteer for the Ill.Literacy program, Health Care Provider for the past 35 years.
      I want to share in a collabration with you in brain stroming session world wide and getting the Hammers (mindset ) in hands of like minded thinkers as ourselves.

  11. joyce marie says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed your interview on Oprah today.

  12. Pamela says:

    Awesome to Hammer rise like the phoenix and reinvent himself!!! I was so happy to see him on Oprah and I ordered the Zagg for my baby for Valentines Day!

  13. Gerald eveland says:

    Sighned up for twitter first time. Saw you on Ophrah. Impressed. I am 51 just learning how to get around .

  14. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard | Money Making Product Review

  15. Pingback: Oprah Goes Tech Crazy Again, Plugs Aplenty For iPad, Flipboard | Verizon-iPhone.us

  16. Meredith sullivan says:

    Starting a real estate app and want your input if you have time.

  17. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard | luyos.com

  18. Pingback: CitiPrice Internet Properties » MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard

  19. Shelly says:

    Great 2 C Hammer still successful & happy. Thanks for the flip box tip.

  20. Pingback: MC Hammer lanzará su nueva canción en Flipboard - Que 2.0

  21. Shelia Adams says:

    I saw you on Oprah. I’m so happy for you.! It reminded me of a favorite proverb “If God Be For You”…. You have weathered many storms that others don’t have to experience and yet you are still a young man to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I want you to know you blessed me. Your testimony and the fact that you are into technology. I need you, I need you. How may I ask the write words to get you to grace us by skype or your presence. I know technology is for those with a certain income and many can’t seem to find a interest beyond Facebook. However I know it is so much more and so do you.

    I’m a 54 year old woman trying to find a way to make money online honestly. My reasons are for family and community. So many organizations that are trying to support their community and I mean old people , like Ms. Mary, 86 year old and still trying to support (her beautification projects) on her ss check. It is sad to see our old still trying to help our communities, when so many younger have gone on and never looked back. I understand your heart for want to give. I too am so much like you , however the wisdom and understanding I have been blessed with gives me this passion for my community and its people, to truly put money into their organizations so that they can implement the visions that have been imparted into them. If you feel you could bless us with your time, maybe through skpe or wut it would intel to have you grace us with your presence to achive some of our goals.

    My other mission is to bring technology and its many benefits to my communities. My current google games and conduit are the only apps I have had the pleasure of running accross. I need a little one on one. I’m really exicited about the computer. I spend about 10 to 12 hrs. on the computer. The goal that some way the people in the community will directly benefit monetary from these campaigns. A lot of dignity and respect for ones community has been diminished, but we both know, nothing is to hard for God. It’s so time to go into the streets. But fear has such a hold on this generation in this dispensation we are in now. So many eyes don’t want to see. The sleepers need to awaken. So now I ask “where is it that it says “come eat, buy without no money?”

    Normally I don’t ask people for things or borrow but I’m about to take a leap of faith and ask. It is for a worthy cause, one you may or may not be interested in. My community and many other communities are in great need. The organizations in some of these communities work on fumes and yet they are the back bone of the leaders that get put in office but their community and their economic status hasn’t change.
    After listening to Ms. Greer when she said “we support what you been telling us to do Oprah” I to would like to have our people (all people) to start taking a different look at technology. How to help my community do something extra oridinary. Something that hasn’t ever been done before. To implement an economical growth to small communities that are distressed and has a no class ratings. I’d like to make a difference in my community and God has allowed you to understand that when one get wealth and how to handle it. There are so many who need to hear the testimony (Like my 22 year old daughter) for one. Their gifts are so worth our help. The blessings comes from the blessed. Not welfare. This to is so important to our people. However, you may not want to help us because I’m not Holy like you are at this time. I got saved in 1982, however that is a testimony that I only tell when led.

    If you feel you could give us some of your time or terms of gracing us with your presence, would be so highly appreciated. What you can get from me is Honesty and integrity and plenty of love 🙂

  22. Pingback: MC Hammer To Release Latest Song Through Flipboard | GeekStatus™ Pulse

  23. Pingback: MC Hammer Uses Social Media: New Song Released On Flipboard : Online Social Media

  24. La Tonya Powell says:

    I also saw you on Oprah and was just thrilled to see you’re back. I have been watching for your come back ever since I saw the piece about you and the problems you were having with your constituents. I too, am from Oakland but moved away in 1994 to get away from situations that was arising in the Bay Area at that time. I was then, an avid Oakland A’s fan as well as an avid MC Hammer fan, I use to see you in the Foster’s Freeze, where I worked, sometimes when you would come over and pick up food for some of the A’s. I was truly hurt when I heard about your problematic situation and felt that it was your generosity and good heart that had allowed this to happen to you. I’ve seen you on the gospel channel many times and I have been on the look out for what road your future was taking. The vibes were good when I watched you on there and I knew you would be O.K..

    Yesterday, when I saw that you were going to be on Oprah’s show I almost fell off of the bed! And when I saw you I was so happy and proud that you have reclaimed your rightful place in society, obviously with the blessings of Jesus Christ our saviour. I have nothing but good wishes for you and your family and will be watching for uprising once again. May God be with you on your long and blessed journey while you know that there’s one faithful fan pulling for you and your family all the way to the top! Bless your wonderful wife who has stuck by you through it all. I too am an avid technology buff, have been ever since I can remember but I never would have guessed that you were into it to this degree, one just never know. It’s so true that you can’t judge a book by its cover. But there was always one thing evident about you and that is, you’re a smart cookie, and no one except “GOD” can take that away!

  25. Pingback: Top Posts — WordPress.com

  26. Pingback: MC Hammer to Release New Song on Flipboard, For Some Reason | Tech News Daily

  27. April D. King says:

    May God keep on blessing everthing you touch. He has called you to much more and to network with like minded humans.
    World wide please e-mail me back. I would like to share some firutful world wide jobs creations and other educational links, that will bring more stocks value to the table. Yes Oprah is beaming her light that includes us. All like minded ture and tried step up and that is why I send this e-mail.
    Looking to brain storm links/sessions/banks to bring bilingual in 2 to 3 languages at any age.
    God Bless you more and more and keep receiving

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